Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India (ADTOI), National Body of Domestic Tour Operators, constituted on 7th August 1996 with the express purpose of consolidating the efforts of all those tour operators who are actively engaged in the promotion of "Domestic Tourism" in the country. We are nearing 780 members all over India on the rolls and likely to enroll more members to our fold in the near future. Our members work to ensure delivery of professional service to the consumer, through its principal suppliers, which are primarily the accommodation facilities, as also travel intermediaries like railways, transporters, airlines & guides.

Some of major objectives of this association are :

  • 1. To co-ordinate with Ministry of Tourism and other related Central and State Ministries in their endeavour of creating the three essential pre-requisites for Domestic Tourism Development in the areas of improvement of facilities :-

    A. "SUVIDHA", guaranteeing safety and security for travelers.

    B. "SURAKSHA" and upgrading - updating - disseminating information - "SOOCHNA".

  • 2. To establish a healthy atmosphere in the domestic tourism industry and foster healthy relations between tour operators, travel agents and other persons and organizations in tourism industry.
  • 3. To formulate an uniform code of conduct to govern the procedure of booking, confirmations, payments, refunds, cancellations, no-shows, changes, pre-ponements and postponements, retention charges, commission and discounts.
  • 4. To establish channels of communication and liaison with the Department of Tourism, Govt. of India, State and other public and private bodies; and take all necessary steps to promote and develop domestic tourism in India.
  • 5. To promote environment protection, cultural exchange and national integration in the territory of India.
  • 6. To educate the traveller about the importance of eco-friendliness and promote the cause of a pristine and clean environment.
  • 7. To achieve a level of Accreditation that will instill confidence in the Buyers of Travel Services. Our aim is also to bring all those agencies who are actively involved in the promotion of domestic tourism in the country under one umbrella. As our strength is DOMESTIC TOURISM, we enroll as our members who are connected with the following activities :-

    A. Regional Tourist Corporation

    B. Travel Portals

    C. Hotels & Resorts

    D. Railways & Airlines

    E. Tourism Institutes

    F. Tourism Expo Companies

Domestic tourism strengthens national integration and provides socio-economic development in the country. Our members are actively involved in the promotion of tourism by promoting various tourist destinations in the country.